New Year New Arrivals
Checking in on the new members of our Cardinal Gibbons family
New transfer students gather during orientation. CGHS Insight
As the new semester begins we welcome a number of new students into our Cardinal Gibbons family. The transition into a new academic semester is always a time of great anticipation and change, and this semester is no different. We’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new students who have made the transition from various different schools.
New transfer students gather during orientation. CGHS Insight
Now that almost two months have passed since winter break, these new students have found their rhythm and feel at home here on campus. After speaking to some of our new transfer students, it is made clear that although there was some nervousness with adjusting to a new environment, the help from the students, teachers, and counselors made them feel comfortable and at home with Cardinal Gibbons.
Emma Etue, a freshman from Saint Thomas Aquinas says that she came to Gibbons because a lot of her friends from her middle school came to Gibbons and it was closer to home. At Saint Thomas Aquinas, Emma found it a little overwhelming how big the school was and how many students there were, so coming to Gibbons made things a bit easier for her. Her favorite thing at Gibbons is CGTV, because she likes how informative it is and how fun it is to watch. Her favorite class is F- period because she gets a lot of homework and studying done and it gives her a break in the day.
“I was really nervous to transfer to a new high school because I was nervous that I would be alone, but the teachers have made sure that I am caught up on everything I missed. The students are so nice and I’ve made a couple of friends, and whenever I have questions my counselor always helps me out.”
—Emma Eutue, Freshman
Like Emma, Gary Hadley, a junior from Blanche Ely High School says that the students and faculty have been a big part of making him comfortable here at Gibbons. Gary’s favorite class is Chemistry and his favorite thing about Gibbons is the campus. He says that he chose Gibbons because it was a better fit for him.
“Gibbons was just a better fit for me, because the environment here is different and I think it really helps me grow and produce more.”
—Gary Hadley, Junior
We are more than happy to welcome these students and the rest of their peers to Gibbons. We hope that they enjoy the rest of their high school years here, and that they keep improving academically and socially within our Gibbons community.