Cardinal Gibbons’ Third Annual Food Packing Event

The CGHS Community in collaboration with Cross Catholic Outreach helped pack over 63,000 meals for underprivileged communities abroad

On January 25, the Cardinal Gibbons community rallied together to host its third annual food packing event in partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach. Cross Catholic Outreach aims to mobilize the Catholic Church and its mission through support towards existing ministries, aid in regards to basic human necessities (food, water, shelter, health care, education, and more), and the spread of Christ’s Word throughout the world.

Over 400 volunteers assisted in this grand project to pack over 60,000 meals to ship abroad to various areas in need. In true Cardinal Gibbons fashion, the volunteers, administrators, and staff all united for this project and exceeded the goal by over 3,000 extra meals.

Students packing food at the event. CGHS/Mrs. Green

Dr. Karen Stalnaker — Campus Ministry Director at CGHS — expressed her immense gratitude and appreciation for every single person involved in the success of this project. With a smile on her face, Dr. Stalnaker recalled, “I had wonderful student leaders, who helped in the front area [registration], a lot of volunteers from Cardinal Gibbons, feeder schools, and faculty that came out to support. It's a whole group collaborative effort from everyone taking part.”

Directors and planning committee of the event. CGHS/Dr. Azevedo

This event is just one example of the multitude of service projects organized by CGHS that further emphasizes the Catholic values highlighted by the school. These events, however, serve a much greater purpose than simply earning required service hours. Dr. Stalnaker shared her thoughts about the true nature of Catholic service: “One is to remember that we're an inclusive community and that our commitment to service is in everything that we do; we must remember to put the gospel into actions as it's really putting your faith into action.” With this in mind, the event is expected to be held again next scholastic year in partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach. All are welcome to give up their time in alignment with the Catholic mission of commitment to lifelong service.


May it Please the Court


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