Our Very First Club of the Month: Book Club!
Get introduced to Book Club and how they work!
Once a month in room E102, a passionate group of book club members gather to discuss their latest read.
Founded by senior Daniela Arezina, the Cardinal Gibbons Book Club has become a vibrant space for students and faculty alike to connect through their love of literature. Book Club stands out as the only club on campus to be made up of both students and faculty. While this might raise questions about the dynamics of the club, I am here to testify that it does no harm at all, and in fact gives a unique depth to the overall atmosphere of the club.
From my sit in on their last meeting, I can say that the presence of both students and faculty in the book club creates a unique environment; one that is warm, welcoming, and surprisingly high energy, from the beginning of the meeting to the very end.
After getting comfortable in desks set up in a circle, the book clubbers begin their meeting by going around the circle and rating their latest read out of five stars, paired with a brief explanation as to why they gave it such a rating. After everyone gives their reviews, there’s a natural transition to a group discussion. Their discussion seems to have a life of its own, effortlessly bouncing off one member to the next. No one in particular seems to dominate the conversation, and everyone seems comfortable in sharing their thoughts. It is in this group discussion where the in-depth analysis begins. Questions are asked and answered, themes are explored as well as character dynamics, and insights are shared that challenge perspectives.
Cardinal Gibbons’ Book Club engaging in riveting discussion on their latest read. Island Masri/Insight
When their discussion on the book comes to a close, they take a look at reviews other people have left on Goodreads, and see how they compare and contrast to their own views. This is a valuable way for them to see how diverse and subjective literature can be. After looking at a good amount of reviews, the club then discusses what their next read will be.
If you find yourself intrigued by this article, and are thinking of joining book club, I absolutely urge you to. I myself was tempted to join by my sit-in alone. However, if you’re still not convinced, this might change your mind: they have complimentary snacks! More important than snacks though, is the insightful discussion you’re guaranteed to have, and the warm and comfortable atmosphere you’re guaranteed to experience.
If you’re interested in book club, please contact founder and president Daniela Arezina at 250224@cghsfl.org